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Team Training

Welcome to Team Training

Team training uses high fidelity or hybrid simulation and critical events as a context for practicing and reflecting on the use of skills required for expert teamwork.  We use Guided Team Self Correction  (which maps teamwork behaviors onto the domains of Situation Monitoring, Supporting Behavior, Communication and Leadership/Followership) as the framework for debriefing.

Interprofessional Code Team Training
Monthly two hour course applying Guided Team Self Correction teamwork framework and debriefing in the context of resuscitation of patients with cardiorespiratory failure.  Offered for VCUHS teams involved in code response including Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy and Pharmacy.

Perioperative Team Training
Quarterly four hour course including didactic discussion of crisis resource management and team dimensional training applied to healthcare, and simulations of perioperative critical events for deliberate practice of application of these skills.  For General Surgery and Anesthesiology residents and OR nursing.  Similar courses offered as custom courses for specific perioperative teams, e.g. cardiothoracic surgery.

Obstetrical Emergencies
Simulations applying Guided Team Self Correction teamwork framework and debriefing in the context of managing obstetrical emergencies such as hemorrhage, nonreassuring fetal surveillance, maternal decompensation, shoulder dystocia.  Offered in the Center and In-Situ in Labor and Delivery. 

Neonatal ICU Team Training
Simulations applying Guided Team Self Correction teamwork framework and debriefing in the context of managing NICU emergencies and very complex treatments such as ECMO.  Offered In-Situ in the Neonatal ICU. 

Pediatric Emergencies
Monthly simulations applying Guided Team Self Correction teamwork framework and debriefing in the context of managing pediatric emergencies such as respiratory distress, cardiac arrest, and septic shock. Offered In- Situ on the Pediatric units.

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